Monday, May 16, 2011

Cookies Please!

These cookies are just amazing.  Emma and I are making them as I type...well they are baking and Emma is talking about monsters and how they need to take baths.  Oh toddlers, they crack me up.

I have been day dreaming about shopping lately.  WITH OUT kids.  **sigh**  Hoping sometime soon, but this week is pretty busy for both Mr. Hipster and I.  I want to find some awesome sundresses.  Vintage that is.  I have never had great luck finding some cute things at thrift stores.  It's my goal to find something awesome in the next week or so.  Any tips?  Suggestions?  I NEED IT!


Katie @ minivan diva said...

I always have trouble getting thick cookies. Thanks for the bread flour tip! Good luck with the shopping!

kristance! said...

i'd head up to kzoo and thrift up there, cause the Lord knows we don't have anything good in TR. i'd like to go clothes shopping without my kids too, but i don't think that's going to happen anytime soon!

Mandi said...

i ALWAYS find good things at the TR goodwill...