Monday, April 13, 2009

24 years later

I finally met my biological mom, Alma Jean Lemons while I was in Utah visiting my family. I was VERY nervous about meeting her face to face. I am so thankful my family came with me though. My parents are so amazing and they did fantastic. I couldn't have done this without them. They have always been there with me when important things have happened in my life. My favorite thing that took place was probably when AJ(that's what she goes by) looked at my parents and said: " I never regretted my decision. I knew you were right for Michelle even though I never even met you. I had a peace about it all." INCREDIBLE! Also, AJ wanted me going into a strong Christian home. So she told her doctor to find a Christian family. My mom was a nurse at the hospital that AJ went to. My mom knew AJ's doctor and knew he helped families adopt. So one day as my mom was walking out of the hospital, the Dr. was walking in and she stopped him and asked if she knew anyone wanting to give up a child for adoption. He asked my mom what her religion was and she said, Christian. And he told my mom about AJ. GOD IS AMAZING!!! Last story, this one was a tear jerker! After AJ had me, she was put at the very end of the hall away from the nursery so it wouldn't be hard for her. One night she came down to take a peek, but the blinds on the nursery were closed. Imagine that and how hard this all was for her. I can't even explain how thankful I am for her and the decision she made. All I can say is that GOD IS AMAZING!!!


Jen said...

That is an amazing story! How cool that you were finally able to meet her, I bet she just loved the baby!

Haley said...

I was waiting for you to post a pic/story of what happened!! I bawled my eyes out when I read this, what an amazing story!! Im so happy for you MIckey!


Mandi said...

that is so wonderful! i am so happy for you. i also love the pics of emma trying out her cereal! the whole solid food things is so much fun (especially when they puke it all up! lol!)

Chelsi said...

ok, that is awesome that you finally met her!!! And cool of your parents to go with you and support you in wanting to get to know her. Thats awesome! Hope your Easter was Happy! Emma is DARLING!!!

Melissa said...

wow! that's crazy! God has written you a wonderful life story!