Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy Days

Oh the weather has been pretty wonderful here.  Kinda feels like Spring.  But that is going to end because we have lovely lake effect snow heading our way. Oh well...

Our days have been filled with a lot of coloring, day time baths for Emma and trying to snuggle with Allie Jo.  She isn't much of a snuggler (is that a word?) And also trying to finish The Hunger Games.  The past few weeks my dreams have consisted of me trying to live in the Hunger games.  Lets just say I am no Katniss.  (a character in the book....gotta read it.)

I love our little Happy Days as a family.  Sometimes it gets crazy.  But at the end of the day, I am blessed to have this little family of mine.

P.S.  I will be doing a give away soon.  Check back for more details.


Katie @ minivan diva said...

Love the drool...soooo cute!

Jessica said...

your days sound a lot like ours. such special times.