Monday, March 11, 2013

Allie Turns Two

Yes, little A.J. is two tomorrow.
I feel like it was just yesterday I was pregnant with her and now I am pregnant with her little sister.
Which I think we might have a name now....WOO HOO.
But Allie is sure a character.  Talking like crazy now.  LOVES playing with Emma and her friends. And sure has a sweet personality.  She is kinda like the Sour Patch commercials.  Sour and then suddenly sweet where you can't be mad at her.
We are excited to see what this next year has in store for her! And how she will be as a big sister.

Dream Big Allie Jo! We love you!


Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Allie!!!!!

Katie @ minivan diva said...

Yay, Happy Birthday to Allie!!! 2!