Friday, February 15, 2013

It's Friday people

I woke up with a headache. Not fun.

But Allie did sleep in till 7:15 ish. Way better then her 6:30 deal she did all last week. And have I mentioned she's in her toddler bed. Yeah. She's big now.

I have no motivation today. On my list today was : Clean Emma's Room.
And now I'm sitting on the couch while the kids destroy Allie's room.
There is always a destroyed room somewhere. Am I right?
But I love that they are close in age and play together now. Most of the time they get along. It's fantastic.

All I know is that it's date night tonight.
Japanese food here we come!!! I'm dreaming of the "yum yum" sauce....

Hope you all have a great Friday. I'm going to see how long I can sit on the couch and relax...before the kiddos beckon me to their aide.

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