Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bad day

This is how I felt today.....

Today was "one of those days." House is mess from my toddler. She seriously got into everything today. EVERYTHING. I stepped in dog poo and that made me gag. My daughter rubbed yogurt all in her hair also, which made me gag. Oh and the worst part....during Emma's "nap" she was actually up EATING butt paste!!! Like half the tube!!!!! I went to get her up and she had crawled up on her bench and go into her diaper basket. I didn't think to take a picture because after I read the back of this little tube that said to call poison control immediately if swallowed. Oh and trust me it was swallowed, her entire mouth was white inside. So I went into panic mode and called right away. They said there was nothing in it that would harm her. OK BUTT PASTE MAKERS, why in the WORLD would you put that on the back of the label??? To freak out moms?????? They said she might have diarrhea. Nothing so far. And to end the day at the YMCA while they were "watching" Emma she got into the mud outside by the playground. Awesome. Just awesome. So as we were walking out of the YMCA my daughter looked like the nasty gross kid whose mom doesn't care what she looks like.

Ug, it's just been one of those days.
Had to vent.


Meganps said...

oh my gosh i TOTALLY feel your pain. except that sounds like almost a normal day for me. Seriously - the yogurt in the hair, the asking "wwwhhhhhyyyyy??" everytime i say something, the desiting (butt paste) all over the place. Ugh. it's exhausting!

at least you still have a crib that's in one piece...

Chrissy said...

Well that sounds like a day!! Good to hear everything's ok with the butt paste eating! ;) Why DO they print that on there? I can imagine your panic mode - been there like a zillion times!

ragamuffinbeauties said...

Oh wow, just wow...bless your heart. Tomorrow is a new day and I pray it is filled with anything BUT, dog poop, butt paste and mud.